Who we are

G U S, which stands for Gasometer Urban Suites, was founded in 2017 following a complete renovation of the building in Via del Porto Fluviale, built in the 1920s and which, until 1995, served as a Wool Laundry factory. Over that period of time hundreds of women spent their working days, washing, spreading and packing raw wool fleeces with industrial machinery.

To respect the tradition of the construction, we decided to develop an all-suite aparthotel that was able to enclose the essence of the picturesque and historic Roman neighbourhoods of Ostiense and Testaccio.

The choice of the industrial design, expressed by the use of exposed brick, cast iron beams and raw timber, remain faithful to the past, while functional furnishings and technologies, are selected to satisfy the needs of your comfort.

At the reception, you will find a warm family atmosphere and will be welcomed as a dearest friend.

G U S is also eco-friendly as it guarantees the lowest possible energy and environmental impact, proposing eco-sustainable policies such as:

  • Thermodynamic and photovoltaic solar panels
  • Insulation of environments to limit heat loss
  • Refillable dispensers for soap and toilet paper
  • Low consumption LED lights

Welcome to Gasometer Urban Suites


Via del Porto Fluviale takes its name from the historic Harbour (or “Emporium”) that stood on the banks of the River Tiber and was the epicentre of the Imperial Roman commercial trade.

The entire neighbourhood retains its charm thanks to the numerous expressions of architettura industriale, such as the ancient Montemartini Power Station, the Mattatoio (Slaughterhouse) and the Ex Mercati Generali, the former traditional Italian market place (which is currently being redeveloped by the world renowned architecture and urban planning studio OMA). Among these the Gazometro, also called the “Colosseum of steel”, is its undisputed protagonist. One of its suggestive panoramas can be admired from our terrace, which not surprisingly, has been chosen as the film set of the famous film “The Ignorant Fairies” by Ferzan Özpetek.

Street artists have also contributed to the image of the area, by giving thinking to give a touch of colour with their bright murals, which are easily discoverable just by wiggling your way through the streets, nose up in the air.

For fans of gastronomy you are spoiled for choice! Via del Porto Fluviale and its cross streets have become a culinary center recognized by numerous sector magazines. Among the great walking distance restaurants we find Porto Fluviale (pizzeria and trattoria), la Dogana (the largest oriental restaurant in Italy) and the largest culinary center in the world, Eataly. We also suggest the Chiancheria for gourmet sandwiches and quality meat, Sushi Doku and Cuochi e Pescatori for those who love fish. Finally the Antagonist for an urban style aperitif!

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